In-Depth Explanations
Detailed description of all that Drums in the Search section has to offer.
Searching for Drums with Producer Assistant
When in the Drums category in the Search section you can type specific text prompts to search for drums more specific than ever before. Our team spends a lot of time providing you with top quality samples each and every week, so there will always be new material to use.
All samples in the Drums category have been processed and mixed carefully to ensure quality of sound that is up to modern level of production standards in the Hip Hop scene. All samples work very well with each other and will save you lots of time processing and mixing.
Parameters explained
There are a bunch of different parameters which you can use in your searches. Examples below:
Subgenre (Trap, Drill, Boom Bap etc.)
Brightness (Bright, Dark, Fizz, Sibilance, Muffled, etc.)
Size (Big, Small)
Electronic/Digital or Acoustic
Punchiness (Punchy, Round)
Length (Short, Long)
Distortion / Clean
Delay (Echo, Dub)
Pitch (High, Mid, Low)
Rhythmic Feel (4ths, 8ths, 16ths)
Key (Am, A, A#m, A# etc.)
Don't be afraid to just use the words that come to mind, our search engine is very good at determining what you're looking for.
BPM for loops
When searching for a certain BPM, our engine will always give you the loop that most closely matches your search prompt. When search results for that specific search prompt have run out, it will recommend you the next closest BPM. For example:
Let's say the search prompt 'Hihat Loop 142 BPM' results in 10 hihat loops at 142 BPM.
The search results below the initial 10 hihat loops will now expand to the original BPM +1 or -1, showing you hihat loops at either 143 or 141 BPM respectively.
When all loops in that BPM range run out, the range expands with another +1 and -1 to 144 and 140BPM and so forth.
This ensures that even if the options in your current BPM search run out, the engine will recommend you the closest available options as well so you don't have to search again for what you need.
To optimise your workflow, we also made sure you don't have to include the abbreviation BPM in your search prompt, just typing 'Hihat Loop 140' will do just fine.
Rhythmic Feel
We also include a rhythmic feel value in all our loops. This value represents the length of the notes the loop has most emphasis on, making it easy for you to find the right loop by including the rhythmic feel in your search prompt. Examples:
Hihat loop 140 bpm 8th
Hihat loop 130 bpm 16th
Hihat loop 170bpm 4th
Be specific
Try to be as specific as possible when searching for different types of Drum sounds. Here are some examples of search prompts to help you get started:
Short Punchy Trap Kick
Bright Drill Snare
Hihat Loop 140BPM 8th
Percussion Loop 8th
Long Bright Ride Reverb

All search results will also show you tags to give you an idea to which category that sound belongs to, providing you with hints and inspiration for your next search prompt.