In-Depth Explanations
Detailed description of all that the FX category in the Search section has to offer.
The perfect toolbox
Selecting the right FX is essential to reach that top-quality production. That’s why we made sure you have plenty to choose from. In the FX section you'll be able to search for a very wide variety of samples to spice up your beats. Some examples below:
Atmospheres (Background Pads, Drones)
Bassdrops (Subdrops)
Downlifters (Noise, Tonal)
Field Recordings (Birds, Conversations, Machines, Traffic etc.)
Vocal Hits
Vocal Shouts
Impact (Deep, Hard, Noise, Soft etc.)
Reverse (Crashes, Atonal, Tonal, Vocal etc.)
Sound Effects (Bleep, Alarms, Explosions, Guns etc.)
Textures (Analog Noise, Vinyl Noise, Rumble etc.)
Transition FX
Uplifters (Tonal, Noise etc.)
The search bar is your friend in this section! We made sure every category has plenty of options for you to use. Search by:
Length (Short, Long)
Brightness (Bright, Dark)
Key (Am, A, A#m, A# etc.)